Capturing reality software v1.0.3 is software creates a three-dimensional and accurate model of it in a very attractive and professional environment with deep imaging and effective rendering on the user’s desired photo. The main application of this software is in the field of scanning people’s bodies, identifying objects in architectural research and other projects related to photogrammetry.

This powerful software provides all the tools needed to apply change and more accurate and efficient modeling to its expert users. Running CAPTURING REALITY REALITYCAPTURE software on the command line is one of the unique capabilities of the software, which has significantly increased the speed of image processing and editing. Other specifications: This powerful software integrates different images with extraordinary speed And a professional model in the faceProvides three-dimensional . This software automatically calibrates and calibrates all sizes so the user can easily identify and estimate the dimensions of the image. The ability to adjust and change images, change coordinates, produce texture, apply filters, color, scalability and و by CAPTURING REALITY REALITYCAPTURE is available in a completely professional way. After making and applying the necessary changes, you can get your output in different formats, print it and check it.


– Professional user interface

– 3D model illustration from aerial, satellite, laser and ..

– Merge and model different images

– Compatibility with Windows 10

– Ability to run quickly on the command line

– Display model output in various formats

“Capturing reality software v1.0.3” :

RealityCapture is a fully-featured application with a rich easy-to-use UI, extremely fast state-of-the-art core and with a set of unique features which pushes the envelope of what can be done with the photogrammetric methods. Truly amazing speed, quality and accuracy with low demand on computer hardware. Registering images, calculating a mesh, texture, parallel projections, DSM, geo-referencing and coordinate system conversion – that is just a fraction of what you get with RC.

System Requirement

  • RealityCapture runs on 64-bit machines with at least 8GB of RAM, 64bit Microsoft Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10, using a graphics card with an nVidia CUDA 2.0+ GPU and at least 1 GB of RAM.
  • Users can run the application and register images without the nVidia card but will not be able to create a textured mesh. Users must install the Media Feature Pack for Windows, and on Windows Server users must install Media Foundation features.
  • Each RC software license is limited to 32 CPU cores and 3 GPU cards. For higher configurations, more licenses must be purchased equivalently. A computer with 4 CPU cores, 16 GB RAM and 386 CUDA cores is recommended.
  • Meshing, coloring and texturing are completely out-of-core in RC, which is intended to avoid RAM performance loss during these processes


Capturing reality software v1.0.3

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