Altair Flow Simulator 2021 is power, thermal and combustion system design software that enables engineers to verify the accuracy and reliability of simulated systems and optimize final designs and machines. This fluid system design tool provides the ability to model and optimize general purpose fluid systems on a single platform with a three-dimensional building environment for machine design in terms of fluid / heat / combustion dynamics.

This tool allows its users to import real hardware using a point cloud and then automatically create a calculation model on the device hardware.

Book The house provided by Altair Flow Simulator contains configured components / elements that can be used to simulate / model most physical phenomena, including compressible / non-compressible fluid flow, wind flow, and cavity system flow . Rotation, heat transfer system, combustion system, etc. It should be used. Eight analysis modes (steady state, semi-steady state, and decomposition mode for fluid dynamics, heat, and combustion) can be combined with a conceptual model system or subsystem to optimize simulated machine performance during the analysis cycle.

Here are some key features of “Altair Flow Simulator 2021”:

  • Precise and fast flow simulation (one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional)
  • Flexible and usable software for various groups and industries
  • Fully graphical user interface with the option of 3D digital CAD integration / overlay with analytical models
  • Support for Cloudpoint technology (cloud of points or cloud of.) Points)
  • Provide optimization module to study the model and parameterize system models based on flow, shape, dimensions and characteristics Thermal to achieve a desirable design in terms of cost
  • Presentation of the book A house of elements Necessary for design of physical phenomena such as compressible / incompressible fluid flow, floating flow, rotational cavity system flow, heat / heat transfer system, combustion system, etc. dynamic

System Requirement

  • OS: Windows 7, 8 / 8.1, 10 (64bit)

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