Kainet LogViewPro 3 is a web server management software that allows you to accurately and thoroughly analyze all that is done on your web server.

With the help of this software you can easily detect server errors, hacker attacks or data theft by malicious robots.

In fact, the main purpose of this software is to simplify all the processes of tracking, controlling and easy management of this type. Occasions are. It can also be used as a useful tool in the success of marketing campaigns.

The ability to read and monitor log files in large sizes, advanced filtering, and Some of the features of the software are easy and practical for LogViewPro. This software supports log files in Microsoft IIS, IIS Advanced Logging Module, W3C Extended, Apache.

Here are some key features of “Kainet LogViewPro v3.8.2“:

  • Tracking the status of the sessions in graphical form and displaying graphical details
  • View different data
  • Define event counters, parameter recording, funnels
  • Advanced filtering
  • WHOIS-Query and Rapid TraceRoute
  • Base support Regional data
  • read large logfiles (up to approximately 10GB / 25M posts) and support load balancing

System Requirement

  • OS :Windows 7 or higher (64-bit recommended)
  • .NET Framework 4.5
  • Supported logfile formats are: Microsoft IIS, IIS Advanced Logging Module, W3C Extended, Apache

Download Kainet LogViewPro v3.8.2

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