DriverMax Pro 10 is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare printers on CDs or on the web or inserting one CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates you need. You can also export all your current drivers (or just the ones that work ok) to a folder or compressed file. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything in one place! Most of the situations where Windows is running slower are caused by faulty driver installations. Windows stores all versions of older drivers just in case you want to go back; sometimes it’s messes up older versions with more recent ones. The Export Wizard will only export the drivers you select by copying the required files to a folder or compressed ZIP file.

Here are some key Features of “DriverMax Pro v10.16.0.32” :

  • Identify the drivers required in accordance with the system hardware for installation and update
  • Ability to save older drivers for reuse if the new version is disabled
  • View the complete report of all drivers OEMs
  • Extract and save all or some of the drivers installed in a folder or a compressed file for reuse
  • Save time and money

System Requirement

  • Software Requirements
    – Windows 10 (32/64-bit)
    – Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit)
    – Windows 8 (32/64-bit)
    – Windows 7 (32/64 bit)
    – Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or later, 32/64 bit)
    – Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later, 32-bit only)


DriverMax Pro v10.16.0.32

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